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Addressing Underlying Oral Health Problems with Braces

September 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drrauchberg @ 5:56 pm

Dentist putting braces on a patientYou can’t put a price on the benefits of straight teeth. Gapped, overcrowded, and rotated teeth are more than an aesthetic problem. Bite and alignment issues can harm your dental health and quality of life. Here is how braces can boost your confidence and improve your oral health.

Straight Teeth Support a Healthy Smile

The positions of your teeth influence your dental health, oral functions, and general wellness. Fixing alignment and bite problems offers many benefits, including:

  • Prevent Cavity and Gum Disease

Misaligned teeth are more difficult to keep clean. Food residue and plaque can accumulate in areas where teeth overlap or are too close together. Straight teeth are easier to keep clean, reducing your risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

  • Improved Oral Functions

Poorly aligned teeth can affect your bite, making simple tasks difficult, like eating. Orthodontics ensures your upper and lower teeth come together correctly for proper oral functions.

  • Reduced Risk of Dental Emergencies

Rotated and protruding teeth are more likely to be damaged if there is trauma or injury to your mouth. Moving your teeth into their proper position can lessen your risk of dental emergencies.

  • Stop Grinding and Clenching

An unbalanced bite can trigger grinding and clenching your teeth from stress or inflammation of the temporomandibular joints, which are located just in front of your ears. Bruxism can cause enamel loss and damage to your teeth.

  • Treat TMJ Pain

A bad bite also increases your risk of a TMJ disorder, which can limit jaw mobility and cause pain. Braces ensure a balance between the top and bottom teeth.

Options for a Straight Smile

Whether you missed your chance for braces as a teen or your teeth have shifted over the years, it’s never too late to invest in a straight smile. 1 in 5 orthodontic patients is over the age of 18 because there are more treatment options than ever before, including:

  • Traditional Braces: A system of brackets and wires that apply continual pressure to your teeth to move them. Metal braces can fix the most complex bite and alignment problems in about 18 to 24 months.
  • Invisalign: A series of clear aligners are worn over your teeth for 22 hours per day. They apply pressure to specific teeth to move them gradually. The average treatment takes about 12 months.

You can have a straight, healthy smile using the latest orthodontic solutions. You’ll reduce your overall oral health expenses by safeguarding your teeth and gums from preventable issues.

About Dr. Alan Rauchberg

Dr. Rauchberg earned his dental degree from the Temple University School of Dentistry and has regularly continued his education to provide up-to-date services. He has completed additional training at the Dawson Academy and the Pankey Institute. Dr. Rauchberg is affiliated with several professional organizations, including the American Dental Association. Request an appointment through his website or call (973) 233-4603.