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4 Fang-tastic Tips for Surviving Halloween with Invisalign

September 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drrauchberg @ 8:54 pm
Bowl filled with an assortment of Halloween cookies

Is this your first Halloween with Invisalign? Are you a bit uncertain about how to navigate spooky season with clear aligners? Don’t worry – you’re in the right place! Below, you will find four fang-tastic tips for surviving Halloween with Invisalign.

Tip #1: Choose the Candy You Indulge In Carefully

Simply put, some candies are more harmful when it comes to your smile. A great example is lollipops. If you bite into them too soon, you can crack a tooth. If you suck on them too long, you can develop tooth decay from the continuous exposure to sugar. Don’t worry – there are some options that don’t pose as much of a risk, like dark chocolate. This delicious treat is filled with antioxidants and also easily rinses from your teeth, reducing your chances of developing a cavity in the process.

Tip #2: Eat a Piece or Two with Your Lunch or Dinner

As you know, wearing your aligners for 20-22 hours a day is of the utmost importance. After all, if you don’t wear them enough, they won’t work! That’s why it’s important to eat candy and other Halloween treats alongside your meals instead of separately. This will reduce the number of times you need to remove your trays. Plus, since the increased saliva production during mealtime helps remove lingering food particles and residue, it lowers your risk of developing tooth decay too!

Tip #3: Add Plenty of Nutrient-Dense Foods to Your Diet Too

Eating candy in moderation is absolutely okay. If, however, you’re also drinking soda, eating ice cream, and indulging in other sweet treats, then you’re significantly more likely to develop cavities. To prevent that from happening, bump up your consumption of nutrient-dense foods too, like raw vegetables, lean proteins, and dairy products. These will help keep your teeth and gums healthy during spooky season and beyond.

Tip #4: Don’t Eat or Drink Anything Other than Water with Your Trays In

You might be tempted to sip on an iced coffee or a fizzy soda with your aligners in. Don’t! This can discolor your trays, making your teeth look yellow and brittle in the process. It goes without saying that you shouldn’t eat anything with your aligners in either. This can severely warp your trays, rendering them virtually useless. In short, always remove your aligners before eating or drinking anything other than water.

About the Practice

Rauchberg Dental Group is a top-rated dental practice on Google, and they offer everything from routine checkups to discreet Invisalign in-house! Plus, they offer convenient hours (including evenings and weekends) so you don’t have to work your schedule around your orthodontic treatment. If you have any questions about navigating life with Invisalign or you’d like to schedule your consultation, visit their website or call (973) 718-9887.