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Replace Missing Teeth – Parsippany, NJ

Restore the Function & Appearance of Your Full Smile

The American Academy of Prosthodontists estimates that 178 million people in the nation are missing at least one tooth, and 40 million are missing all of their teeth. Whether you have one gap or an entire arch of teeth missing, restoring your smile will increase your confidence and improve your daily quality of life by making basic tasks like chewing food and speaking easier. At Rauchberg Dental Group, we offer several different custom-tailored restorative solutions to provide you with a fully functional and beautifully-restored grin. Keep reading to learn more about your options to replace missing teeth with our Parsippany, NJ dentist. 

Dental Bridges

Model smile with dental implant supported fixed bridge replacing missing teeth

Dental bridges are customized prosthetics that are comprised of two dental crowns and free-standing replacement teeth for patients who are missing one or more teeth in a row. The crowns are anchored to your natural teeth to hold the bridge in place and complete your arch. Once in place, you’ll find that chewing food, brushing, and flossing is much easier. In addition, since the gap in your smile is filled, you won’t have to worry about your surrounding teeth slowly drifting out of place to fill the empty space in your smile.


Animated dental implant supported denture

We offer full and partial dentures for patients who are missing several or all of their teeth along an arch. They each feature a gum-colored acrylic base that holds natural-looking, ceramic replacement teeth. The primary difference between the two types of dentures is that full dentures utilize natural suction and adhesive to stay in place, while partials have a specially-designed metal foundation that fits between your existing teeth like a puzzle piece to restore your smile.

Learn About Dentures

Dental Implants

Animated dental implant supported dental crown placement

For our patients who are looking for a more stable, strong, and reliable tooth replacement solution, we also offer implant-retained restorations. Using one or more dental implants to secure a crown, bridge, or denture, allows us to replicate the entire structure of a home-grown tooth, from the roots upward. That way, you don’t have to worry about jawbone deterioration, sagging cheeks, and shifting replacement teeth. To learn more about this modern procedure, click on the link below.

Learn About Dental Implants
