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Oral Appliance Therapy – Parsippany, NJ

A Comfortable Treatment Option for Sleep Apnea

If you’ve been told that you’re a loud snorer or you make gasping sounds while sleeping, then there’s a chance that you’re suffering from sleep apnea. The good news is that through the constant innovations in the dental world, there is now a convenient and effective solution for overcoming nightly bouts of apnea: oral appliance therapy from our Parsippany, NJ dentist. Read on to learn how it works and why it’s important to visit our Parsippany dental office for expert care.

How Do Oral Appliances Work?

Man placing his sleep apnea oral appliance

The most common form of apnea is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). It refers to a partial blockage of the throat that makes it difficult for oxygen to flow properly during the sleep cycle. This can be exacerbated by increased neck girth or the tongue falling to the back of the mouth while you slumber. One of the common warning signs of sleep apnea is loud snoring, as the air causes vibrations as it struggles to bypass the collapsed tissue.

The oral appliance works to counter this by gently shifting the jaw forward to keep the airway open. Therefore, you won’t have to worry about feeling lethargic from being awakened several times throughout the night from bouts of apnea.

Why is an Oral Appliance a Better Option?

Patient frustrated with CPAP system

When it comes to treating sleep apnea, the most familiar method is with a CPAP machine. It consists of a mask, a tube that transports air, and a base unit. Its primary function is to force air into the throat throughout the night to prevent any lapses in breathing. However, many patients find it to be a loud and uncomfortable experience.

The solution is to visit us at Rauchberg Dental Group to receive a custom oral appliance. You’ll be able to get the rest you desperately need without the hassle of being attached to a cumbersome machine.

The Right Candidates for Oral Appliances

Tired woman in need of oral appliance therapy for sleep apnea

An oral appliance is designed to help patients who fit one or more of the following criteria:

  • Loud snorers
  • CPAP intolerant
  • Receiving ineffective results from CPAP
  • Diagnosed with mild to moderate sleep OSA
  • Suffering from bruxism in addition to sleep apnea
  • Have received corrective surgery but still suffering from sleep apnea

How Does the Process Work?

Man and woman sleeping soundly thanks to sleep apnea therapy

The first step to getting relief from your bouts of apnea is to have an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, you’ll need to undergo a sleep test with a sleep doctor. You can also take our sleep quiz. If you have the indicators of sleep apnea, such as loud snoring, daytime fatigue, difficulty concentrating, mood swings or morning headaches, we can help you.

Once it’s been verified that you have sleep apnea, we’ll start the fabrication process by capturing bite impressions of your teeth, and they’ll be sent to an in-network lab. Once the appliance is ready, we’ll invite you back to our dental office to retrieve it, along with some final instructions.

By taking the oral appliance route, you now have a way to get the critical rest you’ve been needing without sacrificing comfort. To get the process started, reach out to us to request an appointment!
