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Finding Relief: Addressing Denture Sores with Ease

February 29, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drrauchberg @ 4:03 pm
Older man holding his cheek because of denture sores

Dentures are a common and affordable solution for patients with missing teeth, offering both functionality and aesthetics. However, they can sometimes cause discomfort in the form of denture sores. These sores, also known as denture ulcers, can develop in many ways, but the outcome is the same—a lower quality of life.

If you’re suffering from denture sores and want them gone fast, continue reading. There are several strategies you can use to find relief.

1. Have Your Dentures Relined

One of the primary causes of denture sores is an improper fit. If your dentures don’t fit well, they can rub against your gums and irritate certain spots. Your dentist can adjust your prosthetic or have it relined to fit over your gums more comfortably, reducing friction. This simple step can significantly reduce the risk of developing denture sores.

2. Clean Your Dentures and Gums

Oral care is one of the most important aspects of wearing dentures successfully. Make sure to clean them thoroughly every day using a denture cleaner and a soft toothbrush. Additionally, clean your gums and any remaining natural teeth to remove plaque and bacteria. This will reduce inflammation and let your gums begin to heal.

3. Saltwater Rinse

Mixing a teaspoon or two of salt into a glass of lukewarm water creates an effective anti-bacterial rinse. Swishing this a few times per day can kill the bacteria from plaque, soothe irritated gums, and promote healing.

4. Over-the-Counter Pain Relief

If you’re experiencing discomfort from denture sores, over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help. These drugs alleviate pain and reduce inflammation that contributes to gum irritation.

5. Let Your Gums Breathe

Be sure to take your dentures out when you’re not using them, especially in the beginning as you adjust. Wearing them for too long can cause unnecessary friction, especially if you have food particles trapped underneath the base.

Denture sores are a common issue that many denture wearers experience at some point. By following these tips and seeking professional dental care when needed, you can effectively manage denture sores and enjoy life. The better your dentures feel, the fewer sores you’ll have, and a comfortable and confident smile can be yours.

About the Practice

Finding dentists who care about your oral health is important, especially when you have dentures. At Rauchberg Dental Group, their team of dental experts is standing by to help with your denture treatment. Whether you need a reline, adjustments, or a replacement, your dentist will tailor their care to your needs. Call (973) 718-9887 to schedule a denture consultation or visit the website to explore their other services.