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5 Tips for Avoiding Red Wine Stains During the Holidays

November 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drrauchberg @ 3:39 pm
Close-up of pouring red wine into glass out of bottle

While you’re enjoying your time with your friends and family members during the holidays, you may find yourself reaching for a glass of red wine. But be wary – this beverage is rather infamous for leaving stains on your teeth. Fortunately, there’s no need to give up red wine altogether; your dentist is here with 5 tips that will allow you to indulge in your beverage while keeping the risk of dental stains to a minimum.

1. Before You Drink, Brush Your Teeth

Plaque doesn’t just put your teeth at risk for decay; it can also lead to staining. As such, you will want to make sure that your smile is as plaque-free as possible before you drink any red wine. That means brushing and flossing thoroughly beforehand. Doing so can also go a long way toward helping you avoid cavities and gum disease during the holiday celebrations.

2. Drink Some Water

How can you get rid of the lingering red wine particles that cause tooth stains? In many cases, the answer is as simple as taking a sip of water to rinse away the wine that’s still in your mouth. In general, it’s typically a good idea to pair water with any type of alcohol so that you can avoid a dry mouth.

3. Eat Something Along with Your Wine

The acids in red wine can leave your teeth more susceptible to staining. Fortunately, your saliva can help combat the effects of said acid in order to protect your smile. For this reason, whenever you drink wine, you should also eat foods that can encourage saliva production. Examples of such foods that might be served at holiday gatherings include celery and hard cheeses such as cheddar.

4. Look for Toothpaste That Can Help Whiten Teeth

If you’re concerned about certain foods or beverages discoloring your teeth, one solution is to look for toothpaste that has whitening properties. This can help you get rid of surface stains that may have appeared on your smile during the holidays.

5. Pay Your Dentist a Visit

Naturally, scheduling regular dental checkups is a must if you want to keep your smile looking its best. Your dentist can clean and polish your teeth to get rid of surface stains, and they can give you additional advice for avoiding discoloration. And if you’re dealing with any particularly stubborn stains, your dentist may be able to help brighten your smile with a professional whitening treatment.

Don’t let the fear of dental stains prevent you from enjoying the holidays to the fullest. With the tips above, you can have yourself a glass of red wine while maintaining a smile that you can be proud to show off.

About the Author

At Rauchberg Dental Group, we have multiple oral health experts under a single roof, allowing us to bring our patients a truly comprehensive dental experience. Our many services include a number of cosmetic treatments, including teeth whitening. If you would like to schedule a consultation at our office in Parsippany, visit our website or call (973) 718-9887.