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Can Veneers Serve as Instant Orthodontics?

February 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drrauchberg @ 2:29 am
3D illustration of applying veneers

A few days ago, you were looking through some old photos and realized you’ve been putting up with crooked teeth in your smile for too long. Now, it’s a question of which route you take to make a change. You know traditional orthodontics, like Invisalign or metal braces, will work, but that will take months or even years. Plus, that process can be inconvenient or uncomfortable at times. Read on to learn from your dentist in Parsippany about porcelain veneers or, in this case, instant orthodontics!

Why Are Veneers a Popular Treatment?

The reason veneers are sometimes called “instant orthodontics” is most dental practices only need 2-3 appointments to complete your treatment. They can fix an array of issues in your smile without you needing to turn to clear aligners or metal brackets and wires. Instead of your teeth slowly shifting positions with those options, the veneers are placed over the top of your teeth to mask imperfections.

The Veneers Process

Step one is a cosmetic consultation, where your dentist will perform a thorough exam, take X-rays, and discuss your questions and concerns to determine if you are a viable candidate for veneers. If so, you will select your preferred tooth color and shape.

At the first appointment to get veneers, your teeth will be prepped to receive veneers by removing a very thin layer of enamel to make room for them. Molds of your teeth will be taken and sent to a trusted dental lab to create your custom veneers. You might receive temporary veneers to wear until your next visit.

When you return to the office, your dentist will bond your veneers to your natural teeth and polish and adjust them as necessary. You may need to return for follow-up appointments to ensure they were placed correctly.

Why Are Veneers Called Instant Orthodontics?

There are certainly some advantages to straightening your smile with veneers, including:

  • Avoid dealing with the dietary restrictions and constant brushing needed with traditional orthodontics.
  • Straighten your teeth without discomfort over a long period of time. Meanwhile, traditional orthodontics apply pressure to your teeth throughout treatment.
  • Complete your treatment in 2-3 appointments instead of many months or a couple of years.
  • While you get veneers for straightening, other cosmetic issues can be addressed, like fractures, cracks, chips, staining, and discoloration.

Whether you end up choosing veneers, it is valuable to know they are a viable option alongside traditional orthodontics when you are interested in smile alignment. Only veneers can deliver a huge grin upgrade in a couple of appointments!

About the Practice

At Rauchberg Dental Group, we have six professionals – four general dentists, an orthodontist, and a periodontist – ready to work for your smile. Patient comfort is a priority as you receive comprehensive, quality services. We offer evening and Saturday appointments for convenience. If you are interested in veneers, we offer a free consultation to discuss this treatment in-depth, and flexible financing is available. You can schedule that consultation on our website or call (973) 718-9887.