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5 Reasons to Consider Getting Traditional Braces

November 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drrauchberg @ 9:03 pm
closeup of person with braces smiling

Invisalign has been around since 1997 and has become an incredibly common way to straighten your smile. These clear aligners offer an appealing alternative to traditional braces for millions. Though clear aligners are comfortable, removable, and practically invisible, there is still a range of benefits to getting traditional braces. Continue reading to learn about five of the most notable ones.

#1. You Can’t Lose Traditional Braces

One of the big draws of Invisalign is that it’s removable. This allows patients to eat almost anything without issue and makes it easier for them to keep their teeth clean. Unfortunately, some people leave their aligners in odd places when they remove their aligners, which makes them more likely to get lost. Since braces are attached to your teeth, this will never be an issue.

#2. Traditional Braces Can Correct Severe Orthodontic Issues Too

Invisalign can correct a range of orthodontic issues, such as gaps and bite alignment problems. Even so, they aren’t the best option for more advanced orthodontic problems. In some cases, braces are the better way to go since they can fix more complex issues than clear aligners.

#3. Traditional Braces Often Yield Quicker Results

The average treatment timeline for Invisalign is said to be between 12 and 18 months. Even so, many patients end up needing more time than that to work through their series of aligner trays. A common reason for this is that they accidentally misplace their aligners and have to wait for new ones to be made. Braces aren’t removable, so you don’t have to worry about remembering where you last put them.

#4. No Need for a Third-Party Lab

Undergoing Invisalign treatment means that you won’t need to attend as many checkups for your orthodontist to keep track of your progress. Even though you won’t need to see your orthodontist as often, you will still need to get a third-party lab. Traditional braces don’t require a lab and can be adjusted on the spot during your visits.

#5. Traditional Braces Don’t Require Additional Care

Invisalign requires some extra care. For example, your aligners will need to be thoroughly cleaned at least once per day. They will also need to be soaked to remove excess bacteria and food particles. Traditional braces don’t require the same amount of care. All you have to do is attend regular orthodontic visits and make sure to clean your teeth in the morning, at night, and after meals.

There are several perks to traditional braces versus other options. Speak with your orthodontist if you think that braces are what you need to get your smile on the right track!

About the Practice

Rauchberg Dental Group is a Parsippany-based practice that has patient care and comfort as its top priorities. They offer a wide variety of services, such as both traditional braces, ceramic braces, Invisalign, and other orthodontic treatments. Regardless of which treatment you go with, you’ll be sporting a straighter smile before you know it. To learn more about orthodontic treatments at Rauchberg Dental Group or to make an appointment, visit their website or call (973) 718-9887.